This song started as a letter. 

I am not sure if you’re this way, but when I travel, a certain romance is drawn out from me. It is the little details of a new place that make you think of the one you love, and Amsterdam was that place for me. When I wrote the song, I was in love and wrote a letter to the person I was with in an attempt to let him know what was making me think of him. I wrote of a roaster I visited, and this sweetest print shop that stays with me in my memory. After I wrote the letter, I decided to take parts of what I wrote to him and turn the letter into a song. 

“Amsterdam” is a love letter. It is the moment in time where I was in an extraordinarily beautiful place, yet still longed for someone. I think this song is not only a moment in time where I was experiencing a sweet love, but also a lesson. As I have traveled, I have learned that you can be in the most wonderful of places, yet still long for more. Personally, I am driven by new experiences, but I have to remember that relationship and shared experience is by far a more beautiful thing. Here’s to seeing new places with those that you love.


PS: This song is also special to be because a dear friend, Alida, played violin on the track. She killed it.

Listen to AMSTERDAM:

Kaley Rutledge